Mit scientists have created solar panels that generate much more electricity

30 May 16Mit scientists have created solar panels that generate much more electricity

Mit scientists have created solar panels that generate much more electricity

In the whole world specialists invent and develop efficient power generation technologies based on renewable sources. Instead of looking for new and totally unique methods, scientists of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have decided to improve existing ways of generating solar energy. Specialists developed a thermophotovoltaic cell, which allows increasing the capacity of ordinary solar panels by 100%.

STPV (solar thermophotovoltaic) device is capable of generating energy not only from sunlight, but from heat as well. Panel has a special layer, which absorbs light and heat sent by the sun, directing them to a special photocell. Due to relevant calibration the wavelength of reflected light perfectly fits with installed photocell, doubling the capacity of solar panel. 

MIT researchers have experimentally proven that the new technology works efficiently, so they are planning to continue working on the device. In the long run they want it to immediately convert solar energy into electricity, which could be used for daily living needs.


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