Master classes for your children
Do your children sit at gadgets all throughout the day? Do they remember characteristics of all smartphones, consoles and drones by heart? So, give your kids a chance to assemble their own device!
InnoTech Ukraine 2018 will include a series of educational workshops for children. Experienced lecturers will conduct training in the playing form in order to engage kids as much as possible and show them an incredible world of modern technologies.
Workshops will be divided into three sections:
Soon 3D technology will provide us with most items required for our daily life. It will not be necessary to visit shopping centres so often because many objects and forms will be printed at home. In order to prepare the younger generation to the application of new technologies, the qualified specialists will carry out a fascinating master class for children. There young talents can get acquainted with the operation of 3D printers and explore scanning and printing technology. It is also an opportunity to explore the software necessary to work with a printer. A lesson involving 3D printer building will become a unique opportunity!
Robotics has become an integral part of our lives. Robots and various intelligent systems surround us, both at home and at work. At the same time, we are constantly interacting with them, so it is useful to know all the technological solutions that are used by engineers in new developments. However, how one can explain all this to little children? Our experts will help to do this. During the master class, children will get acquainted with the modern robotics, as well as receive an opportunity to examine the process of basic robot models assembling. In addition, the small developers will be engaged in the creation of software required for the robot operation. As a result, this generation will get to know not only how to build but also how to program the robotics.
Flying drones come into our lives at a faster pace. There are a number of tasks, which they deal with very quickly and efficiently. However, such devices do not fly so easily. One need practice and skills that not every adult has. That is why we will conduct a master class that is aimed at young aircraft pilots training. Here your child will be able to fully explore a drone structure and learn all the basics relating to its operation. Children are enthusiastic about these devices and will be happy to play with such a cool "toy".