Portable solar panels allow to forget about discharged gadget issue
13 September 16Portable solar panels allow to forget about discharged gadget issue
Now, the problem of discharged gadgets on a journey or trip can be easily solved: you should just buy a flexible LEAF+ solar panel that is conveniently fastened to a backpack or handbag and recharge gadgets. SunnyBag device is light weight and generates power even being partially in the shade.
Characteristics of LEAF+ solar panel
Flexible LEAF+ solar panels have the following characteristics:
- Output: 6.2 Watt;
- Weight: 200 g;
- 400 mAh boost battery.
The panel consists of elements, which are a thin amorphous silicon layer. Besides, each element has a sandwich structure. It allows the panel to boost a battery even if the gadget is partially in the shade and absorb red, green, and blue spectrum waves.
Thus, the new device is more efficient in comparison with other solar panels existing on the market. Moreover, due to its light weight and flexibility, the gadget is quite strong and reliably fastened to a travel backpack.
Currently, a fund-raising programme for the project implementation is launched on Kickstarter. If solar panel developers manage to collect a required sum, then LEAF+ gadget will be available for a wide range of customers. And now one can get a unique charging plant only for $83.
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