6 technologies which will make your kids smarter

20 October 166 technologies which will make your kids smarter

6 technologies which will make your kids smarter

Kids are quick at acquiring skills and mastering new types of activity. Babies who haven’t even learnt to walk are better at computers than some adults. It is now possible to gain basic knowledge of various subjects, learn to program and create robots without leaving your room. Here are 6 technologies which will help your child to develop important skills while playing.

Robots’ programming

You think programming is difficult? Even such a complex subject can be studied by children with great interest. The main thing is right approach. Members of robotics clubs, for example, “Robboclubs”, gain rudimentary knowledge of programming and circuit design. The smallest children learn the simplest language Scratch. Then they go on to more complicated languages up to С++.  

Robots are used while studying languages and learners tune their sensors on their own. As a result, a correctly programmed robot carries out the user’s commands. Children are also taught to print various details for robots with a 3D printer and put them together.

Studying a subject via the Internet

You can find almost anything on the Internet. Lots of online programs are aimed at making studying interesting, so that children would like to enter the website again and again.

For example, there are programs for elementary and high school pupils and courses for preschool training on the “Uchi.ru” resource. The advantage of the untraditional teaching method: doing amusing exercises with cartoon characters. There are also academic competitions in various subjects. 

A Virtual Reality Chemistry

Exact sciences appear to be much easier when theory is combined with praxis. Introduce your child to the fascinating world of chemistry with the help of basic chemicals and carton VR-glasses. Special sets for experiments are sold on thematic websites. For example, in order to use Mel Science Kit one needs carton VR-glasses and a smartphone which will enable the child to see crystal gratings and molecular structure in 3D. 

For the smallest ones

Small children can spend hours playing. In order combine business with pleasure buy a console with educational programs.

With Leap TV children learn math and other sciences, develop motility and do sport. For fulfilling some tasks the joystick can transform into a pointer. 

Creating mobile apps

In thematic schools children learn such topics as website creation, programming, 3D modeling, animation, etc. There are also marketing and startup courses.

Setting up a computer

Kano Kit goes with a keyboard, a microcircuit and other details. Following the instructions the child should not only set up the computer but also learn how to use it. The computer has educational programs, including ones for games and music creation.


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