Teenage girl developed a reasonable diagnostic system using AI and 3D printing

23 August 17Teenage girl developed a reasonable diagnostic system using AI and 3D printing

Teenage girl developed a reasonable diagnostic system using AI and 3D printing

16-year-old American girl Cavia Kopporappu used AI technologies, 3D printing and a smartphone in order to create a cheap diagnostic system Eyeagnosis. The portable gadget helps to detect diabetic retinopathy, a disease that progresses in 1/3 people suffering from diabetes.

Cavia started investigating this problem when her grandfather came down with diabetes living in India. She got to know that retinopathy can show no symptoms. Not being detected in time, the disease can cause vision loss.

Cavia has been fond of programming and cutting-edge technologies since childhood. She even founded NGO Feminine Computer League sponsored by Amazon department working on platform Web Services.

The girl decided to apply her knowledge in diabetes treatment in order to help her grandfather and all the people suffering from it. Cavia developed a reasonable portable diagnostic system using additive technologies. One has to install a special 3D printing lens in a phone as well as Eyeagnosis. Then, launch the app, point the lens at an eye and let the system scan a retina. The neuronetwork will recognize any symptoms of the diseases by the photo.

3d print conference kiev: Teenage girl developed a reasonable diagnostic system using AI and 3D printing

Cavia used Microsoft ResNet-50 to create a neuronetwork. To train AI, the girl integrated 34 thousand retina scans shared by The National Institute of Health.

The previous month, Cavia presented the ready product. It will be tested at Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital in Mumbai.


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