Andrey Kolodyuk, AVentures Capital founder, to speak at InnoTech 2017

16 March 17Andrey Kolodyuk, AVentures Capital founder, to speak at InnoTech 2017

Andrey Kolodyuk, AVentures Capital founder, to speak at InnoTech 2017

One of speakers at InnoTech 2017, the exhibition of innovation technologies, will be Andrey Kolodyuk, an entrepreneur, venture investor, founder and managing partner at AVentures Capital.

The speaker started his entrepreneurial business in New York 25 years ago. Currently, he has founded more than 10 companies focusing on IT, Internet and media sectors, which total revenue is 1 billion dollars.

Along with partners, Andrey founded a venture foundation called AVentures Capital aimed at investing in IT and web startups. The main requirement to a project is focus on the global market and presence of Ukrainian engineering team.

2008, the speaker was determined as the Young Global Leader (from Ukraine) within the World Economic Forum. Two years ago, he joined the executive board of Ciklum organization.

During the conference, Andrey will speak at the Investors block and will be a moderator of the discussion panel: Talented people’s drift abroad.

His presentation’s topic: How to attract investments in startup.

Key points of the presentation:

• trends of 2016 investment market;

• why one can and should invest in Ukraine;

• how to communicate with an investor and what to do if you are refused;

• what steps should be done on the way toward an investment deal.

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